Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sunday fill in

1. Birthdays are fun when little, dreaded when older.

2. Spring is my favorite season because it is warm, not hot. And because everything is fresh and new.

3. I feel my best when I have accomplished something. Even if it's just a simple task like cleaning my house.

4. There are too many to have a my favorite food!

5. First impressions are overrated. (What if you are nervous and totally don't act like yourself?)

6. The best piece of advice I ever received was save your money. (Too bad I don't know how to use it.)

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to Eating Navajo tacos, tomorrow my plans include Cleaning the house and Sunday, I want to be lazy!


michele said...

Well I don't know about you Heidi, but I think cleaning the house is a HUGE task! And I don't even have any kids like you!! You're amazing!