Tuesday, July 27, 2010


So for 2 weeks I thought my new furnace was broke because I kept hearing this horrible noise coming from it. I called the repair man twice and he could never find anything. And of course the noise was never happening when he was here. Then one morning CJ was still home when the noise happened. He came running upstairs and asked if that was the noise I had been complaining about. I told him it was. He said you are not going to believe this, but I think I know what it is. And then he ran outside. He was soon back inside and informed me that the noise was simply a woodpecker pecking at the flue pipe! I was so mad at that woodpecker! So for the next few weeks, about twice a week and at about 6:00 in the morning. This stupid woodpecker would come around and wake me up. Thankfully, knock on wood, he hasn't been around for a few months.

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(Sorry the picture isn't very good.)